Your home or business is in good hands with . Every system we install can include a lifetime warranty. Easily arm and disarm your system from any smart phone through our 100% cellular monitoring service.  Know when your employees open/close your business or exactly when your child returns home from school. Everything is at your fingertips 24/7.


Honeywell has a long-standing record of providing quality alarm equipment in our industry. Honeywell’s line of ADEMCO security products has been providing excellent service since 1929 and is respected worldwide. We have been installing Honeywell ADEMCO products since 1975. If you have a special need, Honeywell has the answer. Honeywell systems are completely expandable for your future needs.

Emergency Help

Our company is known for our same day attention to emergency service.  When your system needs attention you never wait day’s for service like most Corporate, Cable Company systems or DYI’s. We pride ourselves on the fastest response to service in our area.

Don't Panic!

You’ll have complete peace of mind with 24-hour  Medical alert,  panic button key fobs and keypad features.  There’s never an extra cost for monitoring these signals.

Man Setting Alarm Panel
Setting burglar alarm

Do you want to improve your home's security?

We service almost every system on the market. Most every company out there is unable to service older systems but not us. We will gladly service your older system and never try and up sell you. If you simply want your older system repaired we are happy to do it. WE can repair what you need or add more security to what you now have.